Problems when placing an order?

If you are experiencing problems when placing an order, please read the guide below before contacting customer support. It may save you some time.

If you are still experiencing problems when placing the order, you may contact our customer support

Below you can see the most common problems that may arise when placing an order.

  • When paying with a credit card which supports 3D-Secure, 3D-Secure must be activated for your own safety. If 3D-secure is not activated on your card, an error will occur upon payment. If you are unable to place an order due to a faulty credit card, you must contact your bank and make sure that your credit card supports 3D-Secure. If your credit card supports 3D-Secure, your bank must immediately activate it. As soon as 3D-Secure is activated on your credit card, you will be able to place an order at Army Star.
  • You should be able to place an order if your credit card does not support 3D-Secure. 3D-Secure only applies to cards that support 3D-Secure, so if your card does not support 3D-Secure, you will be able to place an order.
  • If the order amount exceeds the amount in your bank account, your card will be rejected in our payment system. If your card allows overdraft, you will be able to place the order.
  • If you have attempted to place your order via iPad or other tablet, you could try to place your order via PC or Mac. Some customers have experienced errors when paying via iPad, and we are working on a solution to this problem.
If you want assistance in placing your order, you may contact our customer support at +45 88 27 67 87 or via E-mail