Complaint / Faulty item

Complaint - if something is wrong with the item

If your items are defective or missing something from what you were looking at when you purchased the product, you have the right to complain. Remember: it is expected that previously used original military items are subject to some errors and omissions. If a product has been used, it will appear on the product information page.

Under Danish law, you have 24 months' right of complaint. Of which the first 6 months are covered by the presumption rule in Consumer Agreement Act section § 77 a, part 3.  This means that you can either get the item repaired, exchanged, the money back or a discount in the price, depending on the specific situation. This requires that the return is legitimate, and that the defect is not a result of incorrect use of the product, or behavior which has had a destructive effect on the product. The return should be completed within a reasonable period of time after the defect was discovered. The return will always be legitimate if completed within two months after the purchase.

When you want to make a complaint from a product, you should first contact us Please attach a picture of the defected item. Then you will receive a complaint form to be attached to the shipment of the item. Please do not return products until you have received a complaint form from our customer service

When you return the defective item, please complete complaint form and use the return label that was attached when you received your items. If you have lost your return label, you can get a new one when you contact our customer service

It is important that you return your order in proper packaging.


If you do not use our return label, please note that we will not receive packages sent to be paid on delivery or being picked personally from the postal office or the like. We also cannot cover your return costs if you do not use our return label.